Thursday, June 15, 2006

X Box 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii

Battle of the next-gen consoles. Which one's best?
X Box 360: out now. Haven't played one yet, but looks a little bit, well, meh. Killer app is going to be Halo 3. Obviously. £279.99 for premium package.
PlayStation 3: In my humble opinion this is the one that'll blow the competition away. Has a crop of awesome looking games including exclusive killer-apps Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA IV and Heavenly Sword. This is where our £425 (ouch) is going, on the 60Gb premium version. Delayed until March 2007 due to a shortage of blu-ray diodes or some such. Upgradeable, online, HDD, blah, blah, blah. Non-vibrating, motion-sensitive, bluetooth controllers. All in all, a truly revolutionary looking console. Kneel before it.
Nintendo Wii: the console formerly known as Revolution. Due 8th December 2006. Boasts a wand-like motion sensor pad that looks both fun and innovative lending the console massive potential. The more of the Wii we've seen the more enticing a prospect it becomes. Will probably share the same fate as the GameCube, which found its niche but failed to match the success of its rivals. However, a launch price of 180 quid for a bundle including Wii Sports will definitely work in its favour. Here's hoping as I think the Wii deserves to be popular.

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