Monday, February 12, 2007

Manhunt 2 confirmed for PS2, PSP and Wii.

A sequel to Rockstar's controversy magnet and one of The Shed's all-time favourites Manhunt has recently been announced. A follow-up is a pleasant and welcome surprise given the furore surrounding the original game's release. That it will be released on current-gen hardware is a strange move as we expected Manhunt 2 to be next-gen. Frankly though, who cares? This is Manhunt so we'll play it on a NES or Master System if we have to. The disturbing trailer on the official website at hints at a darker (!?) game featuring a protagonist who may or may not be an escaped mental patient named Daniel Lamb who butchered his own family (our speculative guess). The Wii version is rumoured to feature motion sensor activated kills, so players can use their Wii-mote to strangle or slaughter victims. Just make sure you remain restrained and don't club your family to death with it. We can hear the anguished cries of outrage from the Daily Mail already.
Look forward to having brutal, bloody nightmares all over again when Manhunt 2 is released this May. Can't. Wait.

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